Traditional Bubble & Squeak Recipe {With a Poached Egg} - Clean Eating with kids (2024)

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This traditional Bubble and Squeak recipe is the breakfast I’d choose if I had to pick my favorite. It’s comfort food at it’s best: crispy edged potatoes mixed with buttery veggies, fried (or baked) and then topped with a poached egg (or two).

Traditional Bubble & Squeak Recipe {With a Poached Egg} - Clean Eating with kids (1)

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Bubble And Squeak For Breakfast

Is this a breakfast recipe? A dinner or lunch recipe? I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter a huge amount. It’s properly delicious and I make it on a pretty regular basis.

I tend to make a batch of this and we’ll have it a couple of times through the week if there’s time, or cook it up for an easy dinner. Either way, everyones happy. Bubble and squeak’s an easy way to get vegetables into the kids without a fuss, and this recipes gives them a potion of their daily veggies before they’ve even got on the school bus. Nice :)

Bubble & Squeak Cakes

Bubble and Squeak cakes are the way I serve this most often, especially if we’re having it for breakfast. I make the patties just a little bigger than the poached egg and then sit the poached egg on top of it. Then when the kids cut the egg open, they get the delicious runny yolk on top of the bubble & squeak cake. It’s like self-saucing, which is a hit in this house, be in with breakfast, lunch or dinner!
You can make the patties what ever size you like, as long as it fits in a frying pan. Bigger patties are harder to turn and tend to break up, but even if they do, it’s fried potato: you won’t get any complaints if the patties a little broken up.

Bubble & Squeak In The Oven

Sometimes we have this for dinner, in which case I prefer to cook this in the oven, for the simple reason that everyone has a bit more at dinner time, and having a big family, it would take too long to fry the patties individually. Just spoon the whole batch into a tin and bake for 30 minutes on a medium heat.

(Tip/ make sure you fluff up the top of the potato before it goes into the oven so you still get the crispy potato bits. There’s a chance you’ll get complaints if you forget this step!)

Traditional Bubble & Squeak Recipe {With a Poached Egg} - Clean Eating with kids (2)

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How To Make Bubble & Squeak

Bubble & Squeak started life as a way to use up leftovers from the night before’s dinner. You’d usually have a potato of some sort left over, mashed, roasted or boiled. Then you’d take the leftover veggies and mix them with the potato. Then you’d fry it all up, and have it for breakfast the next day.

But, like many recipes that were originally meant to just use up the leftovers, Bubble & Squeak has taken on a life of it’s own and is now made as a dish in it’s own right.

I would say that if you’ve got roasted veg left over, or a few roast potatoes from a roast going spare, use them for this recipe. Oven baked veggies add a little extra to this, as do a few roasties, but if you’ve not got them and want to get a batch of this made, it’s just as delicious if the veg haven’t been roasted first.

Bubble & Squeak Recipe


Makes 12 patties

  • 6 Floury Potatoes – Mashed
  • 1 Carrot – Sliced or julienned
  • ½ Cup Cabbage – I use Savoy Cabbage
  • ½ Onion – Medium
  • Salt & pepper to season
  • Butter – 2 x small knob
  • Olive oil for frying (optional)
  • 6 eggs – poached


  • Peel and boil your potatoes until fully cooked
  • While the potatoes are boiling, fry your vegetables on a low heat, with a knob of butter. You want them to be fully cooked through, if they start to brown as they fry, all the better!
  • Once the potatoes are fully cooked, drain and put back in the pan ready to mash. Season, add the remaining butter and mash until the potatoes completely smooth
  • Mix in your veggies, and then let the whole mixture cool down
  • If you want to save the mixture for the week, once it’s totally cooled down, cover and put in the fridge. If you’re cooking it straight away, once cooled, either transfer the mixture to an oven dish like this one, or shape your patties ready for frying
  • For frying – heat a small amount of olive oil in a frying pan and add your patties once the oils hot. Fry on each side for 2 minutes until crispy on the outside and hot all the way through. Serve each patty with a poached egg on top
  • For oven baking – Rake the top of the dish with a fork to spike the potato so it can crisp up. Oven bake for 25-30 minutes. Serve immediately

Bubble & Squeak Recipe To Print & Keep

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Traditional Bubble & Squeak Recipe

This breakfast recipe is comfort food at it’s best: crispy edged potatoes mixed with buttery veggies, fried (or baked) and then topped with a poached egg (or two).

Course Breakfast, Clean Eating, Fast

Cuisine Clean Eating

Keyword bubble and squeak

Servings 6 people

Author Stephanie


  • 6 Large Potatoes, peeled
  • 1 Carrot sliced, julienned or grated
  • ½ Onion Finely sliced
  • ½ Cup Savoy cabbage Finely sliced
  • Salt & pepper To taste
  • 2 knob almond butter To taste
  • Olive oil For frying
  • 6/12 Eggs Poached


  • Peel and boil your potatoes until fully cooked

  • While the potatoes are boiling, fry your vegetables on a low heat, with a knob of butter. You want them to be fully cooked through, if they start to brown as they fry, all the better!

  • Once the potatoes are fully cooked, drain and put back in the pan ready to mash. Season, add the remaining butter and mash until the potatoes completely smooth

  • Mix in your veggies, and then let the whole mixture cool down

  • If you want to save the mixture for the week, once it’s totally cooled down, cover and put in the fridge. If you’re cooking it straight away, once cooled, either transfer the mixture to an oven dish like this one, or shape your patties ready for frying

  • For frying– heat a small amount of olive oil in a frying pan and add your patties once the oils hot. Fry on each side for 2 minutes until crispy on the outside and hot all the way through. Serve each patty with a poached egg on top

  • For oven baking– Rake the top of the dish with a fork to spike the potato so it can crisp up. Oven bake for 25-30 minutes. Serve immediately

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Traditional Bubble & Squeak Recipe {With a Poached Egg} - Clean Eating with kids (2024)


What to eat with bubble and squeak? ›

A great leftover recipe that can be made with any vegetable leftovers. Serve with a poached, fried or scrambled egg and crispy bacon or with poached smoked haddock fillets or grilled trout. Pop them in the freezer at the end of step 4 for a delicious snack on another day.

Does bubble and squeak contain egg? ›

Add the beaten egg to the mashed potato, then mix in the cabbage, spring onions and bacon with the pan juices. Season. Melt the rest of the butter and oil in the frying pan and swirl to cover the surface. Add the potato mixture and level the top, pressing it down lightly.

What is the difference between bubble and squeak and Colcannon? ›

Colcannon is mashed potatoes and chopped cabbage and usually chopped ham or bacon. Bubble and squeak is mashed leftover potatoes and chopped cabbage mixed up and fried as single round cake, and then sliced and served usually at breakfast.

What do the British call bubble and squeak? ›

Cabbage is approximately 92% water, per Healthline, which releases as the cabbage wilts, bubbling and sputtering in the hot pan. The appeal of the name 'bubble and squeak' is a matter of opinion, but if you don't fancy it, you can always call the dish by its Scottish name, 'rumbledethumps' (via Britannica).

How do you keep bubble and squeak from falling apart? ›

How to make bubble and squeak stick together? The beaten egg in the ingredients should prevent the bubble and squeak from falling apart. As our method states: "Beat the remaining egg, add to the potatoes and mix well."

How do you flip a bubble and squeak? ›

Halfway through the cooking, flip it over using a fish slice, or like a pancake if you're brave. If it breaks don't worry, just push it back together. Let it crisp up on the underside then nick a bit and taste it.

Is bubble and squeak Irish or English? ›

Bubble and squeak is a fried British dish made with potatoes and cabbage. It's quite similar to the Irish colcannon. Bubble and squeak, which often contains meat such as ham or bacon, is traditionally made on Monday with the leftovers from Sunday's dinner or on Boxing Day with leftovers from the Christmas feast.

Do any supermarkets sell bubble and squeak? ›

Tesco Bubble & Squeak Mash 350G - Tesco Groceries.

Can you reheat bubble and squeak? ›

The water will evaporate upon reheating, but you don't get quite the same texture. If you did want to freeze it, then make the bubble and squeak into individual patties (without cooking/frying them) cover and freeze. Then defrost overnight in the refrigerator.

Why are leftovers called bubble and squeak? ›

The dish's name supposedly derives from the noises made when the ingredients are fried. Similar dishes, also based on fried vegetables, include colcannon (Ireland) and rumbledethumps (Scotland).

Is bubble and squeak part of an English breakfast? ›

The Full English Breakfast (AKA The Fry Up)

The 'common' full English breakfast is a substantial meal consisting of back bacon, eggs, British sausage, baked beans, bubble and squeak, fried tomato, fried mushrooms, black pudding, with fried and toasted bread on the side.

Is bubble and squeak a London dish? ›

London. For such a curiously named dish, the classic British dish known as bubble and squeak is, well, kind of boring: It's just vegetables, usually potato and cabbage, pan-fried together and served as a side dish.

Why does my bubble and squeak fall apart? ›

Tips For Making The Perfect Bubble and Squeak

As I want texture, I must prepare my mash with that in mind. So, I use a potato masher and only add a little cream, butter, or milk. If you use a potato ricer or whisk, your bubble and squeak will be more creamy and may fall apart rather than stick together.


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.