Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (2024)

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Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (1)

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Event chains

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (2)


Empire event chains

Habitable Worlds Survey

Comet Sighted

Fleet Maneuvers

Horizon Signal

Mass Extinction Through the Ages

Radical Cult

Sublight Exploration Probes

Wanderlust: Rogue Scientist

Fountain of Youth

Genetic Crossroads

On the Shoulders of Giants


The Cost of Freedom

The Fear of the Dark

The Guest

Digital Refactoring

Anomaly event chains

Drifting Battlefield

Gas Giant Signal

Impossible Organism


Orbital Speed Demon

Shrines to the Old Gods

The Ransomeers

42 Years and 3 Days

Colony event chains

A New Species

Abandoned Terraforming Equipment

Ancient Drones

Dancing Plague

Feral Overload

Glacial Crisis

Hidden Vault

Impossible Corrie

Metallic Puddles

Mharin Kharin

Migrating Forests

Mushroom Picking

Myrmeku Activity

Nemma World

Rise of the Manifesti

Stasis Prison

Subterranean Civilization

The Doorway

Underground Vault

Unexpected Mineral Seams

Primitive civilization event chains

Anti-Alien Task Force

Missing Scientist

Rogue Agent

Shuttle Crash

Propulsion Proponent Proclamation

Available only with the Distant Stars DLC enabled.

Lost Amoeba is an anomaly event chain triggered by investigating the Movement in the Clouds anomaly that can appear on gas giants. Getting the event chain is necessary to unlock the It Followed Me Home achievement.


  • 1 Lost Amoeba
  • 2 Lost Juvenile Amoeba
  • 3 Fully Fledged
  • 4 Juvenile Amoeba Dissection
  • 5 What's in a Name?
  • 6 What's in a Name?
  • 7 Centenarian
  • 8 Juvenile Amoeba Escapes
  • 9 Death of an Amoeba
  • 10 Death of an Amoeba
  • 11 Rise Again

Lost Amoeba

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (16)

The [science ship name] has located the source of the movement in the upper atmosphere of [gas giant name]. Surprisingly, there was no ship hidden in the clouds, but rather a young Space Amoeba, its mother nowhere to be seen.

There is no way of knowing how this juvenile was separated from its mother or others of its kind, but one thing is certain: it appears to have imprinted on the [science ship name]. As the crew completed their survey of [gas giant name], they found that the Amoeba was following them. It has proven difficult to shake, and [science ship scientist] has taken quite a shine to the youngster's determination.

Our Science Officer suggests allowing the juvenile to follow the vessel, certain we may learn more about Space Amoebas in the process.

Trigger conditions:
  • Distant Stars DLC
Is triggered only by:

Investigating the Movement in the Clouds anomaly

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (19)

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (20) Very well...

  • Gain a Space Amoeba Juvenile
  • Issue Special Project: Amoeboid Pacification if did not encounter Space Amoeba before
  • On ironman mode it unlocks the It Followed Me Home achievement

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (25)

Out of the question. Just keep avoiding it.

  • A friendly Space Amoeba Juvenile starts following the science ship
  • Issue Special Project: Space Amoeba Study if did not encounter Space Amoeba before

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (26)

We can certainly study it. Order a dissection.

  • Issue Special Project: Space Amoeba Dissection
  • Amoeba Hunter modifier added if did not encounter Space Amoeba before

Lost Juvenile Amoeba

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (27)

Researchers report that the lost Amoeba juvenile found near [gas giant name] is no longer following our science fleet. After doing so for the past several weeks, the juvenile reportedly entered a hyperlane via some biological hyperdrive capacity. Perhaps it recognized the terrain, or sensed others of its kind. Or perhaps it simply tired of chasing after our ship.

Though our ships refrained from interacting with the juvenile as instructed, passive scans have led to some revelations regarding the creature's physiology.

Trigger conditions:
  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile follows the science ship
Mean time to happen:

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (29) 3 months

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (30)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile disappears
  • Unlock the Amoeba Breeding Program technology
  • Add 80% research progress if already unlocked
  • Gain 90-10000 Society Research if already researched

Fully Fledged

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (33)

The Amoeba juvenile that joined our fleet some time ago appears to have reached full maturity. Now an impressive adult, she is no less loyal to the ships that gave her a new home when she was stranded on [gas giant name].

Her time spent with the fleet appears to have encouraged adaptive behaviors not typically found in wild Space Amoebas, making her a more formidable presence on the battlefield than others of her kind. Across [empire name], her image has become something of a mascot for the [empire adjective] spirit.

Only one question remains: what should we name her?

Trigger conditions:
  • Controls the Space Amoeba Juvenile
Mean time to happen:

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (35) 12 months

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (36)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Bubbles

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (37)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Nix

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (38)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Renegade

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (39)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Euka

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (40)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Cyto

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (41)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Boomer

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (42)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Blaze

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (43)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Nova

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (44)

These are all terrible. We should think of something better.

  • Gain more name options

Juvenile Amoeba Dissection

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (45)

The dissection of the Amoeba juvenile has completed. While large portions of the body were destroyed during the creature's pacification, xenobiological analysis of the remains have revealed remarkable regenerative qualities.

Trigger conditions:
  • Lost Amoeba
Is triggered only by:

Finishing the Space Amoeba Dissection special project

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (47)


  • Unlock the Regenerative Hull Tissue technology
  • Add 50% research progress if already unlocked
  • Gain 90-10000 Society Research if already researched

What's in a Name?

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (50)

What is a mascot without a name? We must devise a moniker worthy of our amoeboid ally.

Trigger conditions:
  • Controls the Space Amoeba Juvenile
Is triggered only by:

Chose "These are all terrible. We should think of something better." in the previous event.

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (52)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Blitz

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (53)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Zero

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (54)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Deva

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (55)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Kos

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (56)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Amemba

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (57)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Beauregarde

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (58)

Old Bluey.

  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Old Bluey

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (59)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Zeke

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (60)

These are all terrible. We should think of something better.

  • Gain more name options

What's in a Name?

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (61)

We have developed the ability to break the boundaries of space and time, to travel faster than the speed of light. Yet we cannot decide upon a name for this amoeba.

This is our last chance.

Trigger conditions:
  • Controls the Space Amoeba Juvenile
Is triggered only by:

Chose "These are all terrible. We should think of something better." in the previous event.

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (63)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Storm

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (64)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Ghost

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (65)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Cygni

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (66)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Vesper

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (67)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Arda

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (68)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Phaeton

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (69)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Wraith

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (70)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Rokka

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (71)

Enough! Just call it "Fluffy" and be done with it!

  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile grows into a Space Amoeba Mother with the name Fluffy


Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (72)

Exciting news from our fleet admirals is being broadcasted over [capital name]. Our adopted Space Amoeba, [lost amoeba name], has just reached an impressive one hundred years of age.

Though a grizzled centenarian, it appears age has proven no impediment to our amoeboid ally. In fact, our fleets report [lost amoeba name]'s presence on the battlefield has only grown more formidable over time. [lost amoeba name] has become a force even the best-equipped battleship would have trouble contending with. Seeing her billowing flagella enter a system never fails to lift the [main species adjective] spirit.

Trigger conditions:
  • Fully Fledged
Is triggered only by:

The lost amoeba lives for 100 years

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (74)


  • The Space Amoeba Mother grows into a Space Amoeba Centenarian

Juvenile Amoeba Escapes

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (75)

Pending our lack of initiative in securing the Amoeba juvenile for dissection, it appears to have escaped. Sensors report the juvenile engaged some kind of biological hyperdrive and disappeared off the grid, just hours ago.

Trigger conditions:
  • Lost Amoeba
Is triggered only by:

The Space Amoeba Dissection special project expires

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (77)


  • The Space Amoeba Juvenile disappears

Death of an Amoeba

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (78)

News of the death of [lost amoeba name] has rippled through the [empire name], though none have been as affected as Science Officer [science ship scientist]. It was [he or she] who first discovered the Space Amoeba as a lost and helpless juvenile, and watched the creature grow to full maturity under [his or her] own gentle guidance.

Now, without [lost amoeba name]'s silent companionship, Officer [science ship scientist] may never be the same again.

Trigger conditions:
  • Fully Fledged
  • Not Reanimators, Permanent Employment, Cordyceptic Drones or Mechromancy
  • The scientist who investigated the anomaly did not die
Is triggered only by:

The lost amoeba is killed

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (84)

A pity.

  • The scientist who investigated the Movement in the Clouds anomaly gains the Substance Abuser trait

Death of an Amoeba

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (86)

News of the death of [lost amoeba name] has rippled through the [empire name]. The amoeba has been a constant companion for our nation for a long time now. However, our necromancers have been unusually active ever since the fateful news came and have now come with a solution to our grieving nation. They won't explain how but they say that they can bring [lost amoeba name] back to us.

Trigger conditions:
  • Fully Fledged
  • Reanimators, Permanent Employment, Cordyceptic Drones or Mechromancy
Is triggered only by:

The lost amoeba is killed

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (92)

Arise [lost amoeba name] ARISE!

  • Issue Special Project: Reanimate the Lost Amoeba

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (93)

Let sleeping amoeba lie.

  • If the scientist who investigated the Movement in the Clouds anomaly is alive it gains the Substance Abuser trait

Rise Again

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (95)

[lost amoeba name] lives?! Or at least she moves. We do not truly understand what our necromancers have done, but thanks to the depths of their despair and madness of their science, our beloved amoeba flies with us once more.

Trigger conditions:
  • Death of an Amoeba
Is triggered only by:

Finishing the Reanimate the Lost Amoeba special project

Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (97)

It hungers.

  • Gain a reanimated Space Amoeba Mother

Retrieved from ""


  • Potentially outdated
  • 3.11
  • Events
Lost Amoeba - Stellaris Wiki (2024)


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Author: Dong Thiel

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Views: 6532

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.