Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Pudding (2024)

By: Sarah NevinsPosted: 6/10/20

Chocolate and Peanut ButterChia Pudding- simply mix in the evening & wake up to a delicious, fiber filled, nutrient-packed breakfast! These decadent chocolate pots are naturally gluten free and can easily be made vegan and low fodmap by simply using maple syrup in place of honey for a touch of sweetness!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Pudding (1)

Shout out to all my fellow peanut butter cup lovers. This chocolatey peanut butter chia seed pudding is how we get candy inspired breakfast, but in a *healthy* way and made with simple ingredients.

Aside from the fact that it’s loaded with chocolate and peanut butter I love the fact that it takes all of 5 minutes to throw everything together in a jar, mix it up, and store it in the fridge until morning so that this chia seeds have time to gel up and do their thing.

How to Make Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Puddings in 3 Steps

  1. Combine ingredients.
  2. Mix together in a small jar or bowl.
  3. Transfer to containers & set until solid.


Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Pudding (2)

Chia Pudding F.A.Q.’s

How many servings does this recipe make?

  • This recipe makes enough for two serving. I know it might not look like much, but chia seeds are high in fibre and surprisingly filling. Two tablespoons which is the amount you get in one serving contains about 11g).

How long do chia puddings keep?

  • In general you can expect chia puddings to keep for about 5 days.
  • If you want to make these in bulk, you can also freeze your chia puddings for up to 2 months. Just make sure to remove them from the freezer and defrost in the fridge or at room temperature at least 4 hours before eating.

Can I use another nut butter or skip it altogether?

  • Yes! Use any other type of nut or seed butter in place of peanut butter. Try it withcashew butter,almond butterorhazelnut butter! Sunflower seed butter and pumpkin butter are also a great option if you want it nut free.
  • Use your choice of chunky or cream nut butter.
  • Feel free to omit the peanut butter/nut butter altogether for a plain chocolate chia pudding/ nut-free option.

Can I use PB2 (powdered peanut butter) if I want to reduce the calorie amount?

  • Absolutely! You can play around with the amounts to suite your preference, but I recommend adding 2 tablespoons of PB2/powder peanut butter. You don’t need to worry about mixing the PB2 with water first to make this.

Can I use a low carb sweetener?

  • Yes! The amount of sweetener you use will depend on the type of sweetener you choose. You should check the packaging on your preferred sweetener for recommendations on how to sub it in recipes. I always recommend starting with a small amount and adding to taste so that you don’t end up accidentally over doing it.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Pudding (3)

If you like this chocolate peanut butter chia pudding recipe you might also enjoy these other chia pudding recipes:

  • Warm Chai Chia Pudding
  • Chocolate Orange Chia Pudding

Did you make this? Be sure to leave a review below and tag me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Pudding (4)


Yield:2 servingsPrep Time: 5 minutes Total Time: 5 minutes


Peanut butter cup inspired Chia Pudding. Mix together the night before and wake up to a delicious, fiber filled, nutrient packed breakfast! | Gluten Free, Vegan, Low FODMAP, Paleo Option


  • 1 cup dairy free milk of your choice, 240 ml
  • ¼ cup chia seeds, 40 grams
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter or almond butter for Paleo
  • 1-2 tablespoon sweetener of your choice, maple syrup, honey, agave etc

Need help converting to weights? Check out my cups to grams Conversion Guide.


  1. Add all of the ingredients to a medium sized bowl. Whisk until combined.
  2. Divide between two smaller bowls or an airtight container.
  3. Cover and refrigerate at least 1-2 hours or overnight.
  4. Top sliced banana, chocolate chips, more peanut butter, or whatever you would like.


  • Prep time is about 5 minutes but these need to be left in the fridge at least 1-2 hours to thicken.
  • ​Feel free to use dairy-based regular milk in plate of the non-dairy milk.

Nutrition Information

Yield: 2

Serving Size:

gCalories: 264Saturated Fat: 2gSodium: 241mgCarbohydrates: 23gFiber: 11gSugar: 7gProtein: 9g

This website provides approximate nutrition information for convenience and as a courtesy only. Nutrition data is gathered primarily from the USDA Food Composition Database, whenever available, or otherwise other online calculators.

© A Saucy Kitchen, Sarah Nevins

Course: Breakfast & BrunchCuisine:American

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  • Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Eggs

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About Sarah Nevins

Hi, I'm Sarah! Welcome to my little gluten free corner of the internet. I like eating vegetables, but sometimes I get distracted by cookies...

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Reader Interactions

Leave a Review!

  1. Dru says

    Best chia pudding recipe!


    • Sarah Nevins says

      Thanks, Dru – so glad you enjoyed it!


  2. Rose says

    Love, love love this recipe. So easy so yummy


    • Sarah Nevins says

      Thanks Rose! 🙂


  3. Anguree says

    Thank you so much. This is delicious and I have shared it multiple times in my fitness groups. I changed it up a little and add 160-180g of Greek yogurt, 90g protein powder and more chia, 60g instead of 40 but get 3 serves this way. So so good x


    • Sarah Nevins says

      Yay! So glad to hear that! Love the yogurt & protein powder addition too by the way – sounds like a great way to make this a good workout snack!


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Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Pudding (2024)


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