A Cheesy Twist on a Classic: Our Favorite Amish Sausage and Rice Casserole Recipe (2024)

Published: · Updated: by Kevin Williams | 5 Comments

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There's something about a good casserole that just screams comfort food, and when you add in the perfect combination of sausage, rice, and cheese, it's a recipe for culinary bliss.

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A Cheesy Twist on a Classic: Our Favorite Amish Sausage and Rice Casserole Recipe (1)

Our favorite sausage and rice casserole recipe takes a classic dish and adds a cheesy twist that will have you coming back for seconds (and maybe even thirds). The savory sausage and tender rice are baked to perfection in a creamy, cheesy sauce that will make your taste buds sing. Whether you're looking for an easy weeknight dinner or a dish to impress your dinner guests, this casserole recipe is sure to become a staple in your kitchen. So grab your apron and get ready to indulge in a deliciously cheesy twist on a classic dish.

This Amish Cheesy Rice and Sausage Casserole recipe was first featured years ago on the site and was an instant favorite with many readers. I love this recipe. It's a hot, hearty, filling supper. You can bake it and then pile it in a bowl and just have as much as you want. That is my kind of meal!

And Amish Cheesy Rice and Sausage Casserole is a meal that is very popular in Amish kitchens especially as the weather takes a turn for the cool and Amish cooks are trying to use up some of their home-canned sausage from last winter in anticipation of this winter's butchering bounty.

I like this casserole because so many Amish casseroles seem to be based on chicken or hamburger, but this one has sausage as it's base with a comforting layer of rice. Now, if you just don't like sausage (I'm thinking of my father) then, sure, you can use hamburger instead and it'll taste fine., But I love the sausage flavor in this one.

The smell of sausage and melting cheese will fill your home and, yeah, it's just a perfect comfort food.

The best cheese is grated off the block and that is how most Amish do it. I've visited many Amish bulk food stores where the Amish customers will just order a "horn of cheese", which is a huge cylinder block. Then they'll take this block, store it in a cool place, and grate as needed. Cheddar cheese or colby work best with this recipe, I think. A sharp cheddar cheese adds nice bite to the flavor.

Fry sausage in a large skillet over medium-high heat and stir so it evenly cooks. Many Amish will use their home-butchered meat. And you could make a veggie version of this by frying soy crumbles. So very versatile recipe. Whatever you use, you'll get a great sausage mixture. Some people really like to dice in some bell peppers (red bell pepper is my favorite for this) or garlic, or blend the sausage with ground beef or turkey sausage for a more muted sausage effect. You can dice in other vegetables of your choice here if you like.

The layer of sausage and rice makes up the "base" of the casserole. You can use white rice, brown rice, or purple rice, it all works -and tastes -the same! I like to use a glass baking dish (lightly butter for flavor and non-stick) for this. You can sprinkle in some red pepper flakes for a bit more heat if you like that. Salt to your taste.

A Cheesy Twist on a Classic: Our Favorite Amish Sausage and Rice Casserole Recipe (5)

Pop it in the oven. I think sausage makes for a great addition to a rice casserole. There are versions that do a way with the cream of mushroom soup and use chicken broth instead, but I think cream of mushroom soup pairs best with the sausage. Slice some real mushrooms in also.

So, yes, you can use store-bought sausage in this recipe. Most of you will. But most Amish cooks would be using sausage from their home-canned supply which, of course, would taste amazingly fresh. You could also use vegetarian sausage crumbles with would make this a veggie version, so very versatile. Not much prep time for this dish, so it is an easy week-night supper. Store leftovers in the refrigerator or freeze and then reheat in the microwave or regular oven.

Total cooking times vary depending on how do you like yours. I love my golden, bubbly crisp, so I'd cook mine closed to 50 minutes, but 45 is a good target time

This mealis rounded out well with some steamed broccoli on the side to balance out the protein. Lots of comforting calories in this to fill you up at the end of the day!

🙋 FAQ About Cheesy Sausage and Rice Casserole

Can I make this casserole ahead of time?

Yes, you can assemble the casserole ahead of time and refrigerate it until you're ready to bake it. Just make sure you let the casserole come to room temperature before putting it in the oven.

Can I freeze this casserole?

Yes, you can freeze the casserole before or after baking it. Just make sure you let it cool completely before freezing it.

Can I use a different type of cheese in this casserole?

Yes, you can use any type of cheese you like in this casserole. Just make sure it's a cheese that melts well.

🍲 Cheesy Sausage and Rice Casserole

  • 1 pound sausage
  • 2 cups grated cheese
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 /4 teaspoon onion powder
  • 3 cups hot cooked rice
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 1 4 ounce can of mushroom pieces
  • 1 /2 cup milk

📋 Instructions

  1. Cook the sausage, crumble, and drain.
  2. Combine cooked rice and 1 1 /2 cups of the cheese.
  3. Spread into a buttered 2 quart casserole dish.
  4. Sprinkle sausage over rice.
  5. Combine rest of the ingredients except for a half cup of cheese.
  6. Pour over the sausage.
  7. Sprinkle with 1 /2 cup cheese over on top of everything.
  8. Bake at 350 for 40 – 45 minutes.,
  9. Cover loosely with foil while baking.

👩‍🍳 More Amish Recipes With Sausage

Sausage Swirls - So good!

Sausage and Sauerkraut - Amazing

Sausage and Potato Casserole - A variation on the sausage rice, I personally think the rice works better than potatoes, but worth a try.

🖨️ Full Recipe

A Cheesy Twist on a Classic: Our Favorite Amish Sausage and Rice Casserole Recipe (7)

Cheesy Sausage and Rice Bake

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Course Main Course

Cuisine American, Amish

Calories 465 kcal


  • 1 pound sausage
  • 2 cups grated cheese
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 /4 teaspoon onion powder
  • 3 cups hot cooked rice
  • ½ cup milk
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 1 4 ounce can of mushroom pieces


  • Cook the sausage, crumble, and drain.

  • Combine cooked rice and 1 1 /2 cups of the cheese.

  • Spread into a buttered 2 quart casserole dish.

  • Sprinkle sausage over rice.

  • Combine rest of the ingredients except for a half cup of cheese.

  • Pour over the sausage. Sprinkle with 1 /2 cup cheese over on top of everything. Bake at 350 for 40 – 45 minutes.,

  • Cover loosely with foil while baking.


Calories: 465kcalCarbohydrates: 29gProtein: 23gFat: 28gSodium: 1037mgSugar: 3g

Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


More Amish Casseroles

  • The Amish Cook: Easy Oven Rice Casserole
  • Homestyle Skillet Cheeseburger Casserole
  • The Amish Cook: Delicious Bubble-Up Pizza Casserole
A Cheesy Twist on a Classic: Our Favorite Amish Sausage and Rice Casserole Recipe (12)

About Kevin Williams

Hi, my name is Kevin Williams and I am owner of Oasis Newsfeatures and editor of The Amish Cook newspaper column.

Reader Interactions


  1. Gail Plaskiewicz

    This sounds really yummy! I can't wait to make this! Will let you know how we like it.


    • Kevin Williams

      It is a good supper, enjoy!


    • Deborah Clark

      How many servings does this make?


      • Kevin Williams

        I'd say about six to eight servings

  2. Amy K

    We have had this Sausage and Rice casserole every year on Christmas Eve, for as long as I can remember, at least 50 years! We love it! Don't tell the rest of the family, I make this recipe several times through the year, Not just at Christmas. Sacrilege, I'm sure!


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A Cheesy Twist on a Classic: Our Favorite Amish Sausage and Rice Casserole Recipe (2024)


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